
Experienced leader coach (co)founder CEO sales professional

I have coached numerous teams to achieve their goals and delivered a wide range of international soft skills training sessions. In addition to these topics, I now offer training and coaching services focused on sales, entrepreneurship, and successfully starting and running a company.

As part of my academic experience, I have also supervised and coached many students, guiding them through research projects and software development, helping them achieve their academic and professional objectives.


2024MSc. Business Project - How can organizational structures influence company's
decision-making for entering the Nordics, given the
macroenvironmental context of target markets?
Viktor Lenstrup, Emilie Andersen, Karoline Bidstrup, Signe Gøtske (Copenhagen Business School)
2020Bachelor thesis - Effectiveness of e-mail marketing on activation of existing client base in B2B environmentFranziska Leissner (Hanze University)
2019Bachelor thesis - Social media as a tool in B2B marketingKristin Hamman (Hanze University)
2019Research internship - Marketing research for a new energy monitoring and advising serviceJurjen de Jager (Hanzehogeschool Groningen)
2019Bachelor thesis - Engaging residents with sustainability of their buildingsKim de Boer (Hanze University)
2018Research internship - Next Generation Building Management SystemEnrico Werkema (Unversity of Groningen)
2017Internship - Setting us sales processes in a startup companyJoey Gijsbertha (Hanzehogeschool Groningen)
2016Bachelor thesis - Healthy OfficesSybren Gjaltema, Timo Smit
2015Bachelor thesis - Energy Smart OfficeRik Schaaf, Maarten Kollenstar
2015Bachelor thesis - An energy competition dashboardJeroen Brandsma, Michel Dekker
2015Bachelor thesis - Sleepy for Linux – Power Management Framework for WorkstationsThomas Hoeksema, Michel Medema
2014Research Internship for Master students - A Real-Time Energy Monitoring Metering and Visual Display SystemPascal Bouwers
2014Bachelor thesis - Monitoring water usage of the BernoulliborgBram Musters, Nils Wiersma and Niels Kluiter
2014Bachelor thesis - Fault detection and management in wireless sensor networks using rule-based and ARIMA methodsBas de Bruijn, Jan Kramer
2014Bachelor thesis - Recycling data for everyoneJorrit Idsardi
2013Master thesis - Office energy saving potential through component based automation, a design and implementationMarcel Jillings, Sijmon Heitmeijer
2013Master thesis - Mobile visualisation of energy consumption data for improving awareness amongst building occupantsMattijs Meiboom
2013Research Internship - Lazy SleepBrian Setz, Ruurtjan Pul
2013Research Internship - Efficiency energy usage by dynamic scheduling the HVAC systemLuu Dinh Tuan


2011Effective Feedback training for Team LeadsSarajevo
2010Effective Feedback training for Testing TeamSarajevo
2010Introduction to Test TeamSarajevo
2010Open Space TechnologyBanja Luka
2010Project and Team Management (ESN)Blagoevgrad
2009International Awareness, Board Management for ChairpersonsSkopje
2009Project ManagementSarajevo
2009Training for TrainersZagreb
2009Feedback, Facilitation, Presentation (SEEYN)Sarajevo
2009Training System ImprovementBelgrade
2008Strategic PlanningTallinn
2008Time Management for TrainersSarajevo
2008Time Management, Team DynamicsZürich
2007Event ManagementBelgrade
2006Team Building, Project Management for Board membersSarajevo


2011Agile Software Development TrainingSarajevo
2011Issue Tracking TrainingSarajevo
2010Technology in Medicine ConferenceLondon
2009Leadership Summer SchoolSplit
2007Database Innovative Solutions for IndustryBudapest
2007Line Follower RobotsAnkara
2007My Powerful SoftwareSarajevo
2007Knowledge ManagementNovi Sad
2006Virtual City of SarajevoSarajevo
20061st EESTEC Chairpersons' MeetingIstanbul